Cleveland County GOP News Next meeting January 11 with Judge Dietz

Next meeting January 11 with Judge Dietz

The next meeting of the Cleveland County GOP will be on January 11.

Judge Richard Dietz of the N.C. Court of Appeals will present a program on the U.S. Supreme Court, including background on the justices, noteworthy cases coming in 2016, and his own experience at the High Court.  Judge Dietz is one of a small number of N.C. lawyers to have personally argued in the U.S. Supreme Court.  He represented the gun owner in the major gun rights case of the 2013 term of the Court.

Judge Dietz will be on the ballot in 2016 running to keep his seat on the Court of Appeals.  After graduating first in his law school class at Wake Forest University, Judge Dietz went on to become one of the best known appeals lawyers in the State.  He handled high-profile cases ranging from billion dollar appeals for Fortune 500 companies to groundbreaking constitutional cases for high school students.  He is a board certified specialist in appellate practice and has been ranked as one of the State’s “Super Lawyers” and “Legal Elite.”  Governor McCrory appointed Judge Dietz to fill a vacancy on the Court of Appeals in 2014.  You can learn more at his website


The meeting will be at 7PM at the Cleveland County Memorial Library, 104 Howie Drive in Shelby. The public is invited.

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