D. Franklin Freeman, PhD, noted author, conservative political strategist, entrepreneur, veteran and the current Secretary of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly of North Carolina will be the special speaker the Cleveland County GOP’s regular meeting on Monday January 13 at 7pm in the Commissioners Chambers at the Charlie Harry Cleveland County Administrative Building at 311 East Marion St. in uptown Shelby.
The focus of Dr. Freeman’s presentation will be the importance of Republican’s engaging the growing Hispanic population in North Carolina and relating with them the conservative ideals of the Republican party. It is his contention that the vast majority of Latino and Hispanic families in North Carolina hold most of the same conservative values that are compatible with the conservative Republican world view and that republicans must embrace this important component of our changing North Carolina population with core conservative principles..
Franklin is the president and managing Director of Synergie Professional Services, LLC a, management consulting firm that provides organizational development/financial and human resources consulting. Dr. Franklin is a Disabled veteran and spent eight years in the US Army before entering the private sector. He has a strong community service background working with ASPIRA of North Carolina, a Latino non- profit focusing on youth education and leadership development. He also sits on the Mecklenburg County Small Business and entrepreneurship Advisory Board, Town of Huntersville Planning Board, the United Way of the Carolinas- Community Investment Council and many other community and statewide boards.
For more information about the Cleveland County GOP visit www.ccgop.com